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Updated: Aug 1, 2018

Acts 1:11  - "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."

John 5:43 - I have come in my Father's name, and you do not receive me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. 


Time: Near future

Place: Washington, D.C.

The President of the United States of the Western Union is about to give her State of the Union speech for the start of her second term. The President is an open lesbian who is having a long-running affair with her vice president. A large crowd has come: senators, congressmen, and all members of the Joint Chiefs, etc. The Speaker of the House introduces the President while the Marine Band plays “Hail to the Chief.”

President Darlene Dockins speaks to the officials after a three-minute ovation.

President Dockins (full of joy)

Thank you all. You may be seated.

The day that our forefathers predicted has finally come. We stand now on the verge of world peace and a new world order.


Our revised Constitution is bringing about positive changes, shared by our great trading partners: Mexico, Canada, and, most recently, the European Union, under the leadership of General Apala Rosario. Our combined goal is, as I have stated before, that the United States stands as the most crime-free and prosperous nation in the world.


The Dow Jones now stands at 25,000 and it looks like the sky is the limit.


The price of oil is at twenty dollars a barrel. That’s a far cry from the previous high of two-hundred fifty dollars, which at the time put this nation into a depression, but that was due to the excesses and wars of the previous administrations. As you will remember, when you elected me, I made certain promises. One was to turn the economy around, and with the help of the Senate and Congress, this has been accomplished.


I also promised to end our drug and crime problems, so we legalized drugs. Not only has that cut crime eighty per cent here, but the same results have been experienced by Mexico and Canada. Also, we have combined our laws with the laws of Mexico concerning gun ownership, and have banned all guns. Again, crime has been reduced.


The President holds up a hand for quiet.

And now the very thing that many people thought could never happen is about to be: world peace.

Standing ovation!

I am not going to stand here and try to, in any way, take credit for the peace movement worldwide. That goes to the man of peace, General Apala Rosario.


General Rosario is our number-one supporter. With thirty- five nations under his care, he is our largest trading partner. The man, who was last year’s Man of the Year, didn’t get there for no reason. Let’s face it--the man is a diplomatic genius. He somehow brokered peace worldwide in all the recent regional conflicts. I talked to the General just the other day. He has been invited to speak at the Vatican by his mentor, Pope Marcus XVII.


Place: Rome

General Apala Rosario (age 45) has been NATO’s top general for many years. He is known as a peacemaker and a master diplomat. He is also the only five-star general in the world. The General now appears before a massive Vatican crowd. As the General rises to speak, the crowd chants “Apala, Apala,” etc.

The General holds up his right hand for quiet, and speaks with great respect.

General Rosario

My dear fellow citizens of the world:

In our mutual quest for world peace, there are still those who cling to their national pride. We must work together to bring those nations that are sitting on the fence to join us and become as we are: world citizens under a one-world government.

The crowd chants, “One world, one world, one world ... ”

General Rosario (speaking softly)

Remember, I am a guest of my spiritual father, Pope Marcus. I would like to speak to you further, but I know that Pope Marcus has much to share with you.

The General motions to the Pope to rise and speak. As he does, the crowd is silent.

Pope Marcus is eighty years old and has known the General from his childhood.

Pope Marcus (with love, looking at the General)

Apala is my son in the faith, having been born in Vatican City. I have known him since he was born. It seems that even since early childhood, Apala has never failed at anything he has put his mind to. His genius is renowned throughout the world. This is my son, in whom I am well pleased.


The General bows to the crowd and then sits down.

Pope Marcus (speaking in a sincere manner)

World peace has always been the desire of my heart--not only mine, but that of my forefathers. It warms my heart to see regional wars come to an end--that the British walk hand in hand with the Irish, that America walks hand in hand with the Middle East, that Germany and France are like one nation. I believe we owe praise and thanks to the gods you and I worship. For as we know, and as my son Apala has said many times before, there are many ways to God and many ways to Heaven.


The Pope and General Rosario exit.


Place: Washington D.C., the residence of the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations James Watson (age 50) and wife Jan


So what did you think of the Pope’s speech?

Ambassador James

Was it the Pope’s speech, or Apala’s?


I thought they both complemented each other.

Ambassador James

That’s what is starting to scare me. There is a little too much unity going on and it’s getting real still.


You’re right--there seems to be a strange stillness all over the world. It’s like the calm before the storm.

Ambassador James

The condition of the world right now reminds me of a Bible verse my grandmother used to say to me from time to time.

Jan (curious)

What was it?--now that no one can have a Bible in this country anymore.

Ambassador James

This: “When they say peace and safety, then I will rain destruction on them.”

Jan (sure of herself)

Well, that destruction won’t come from any of our partner nations. Apala has assured the President of that.

Ambassador James

I am not so sure. I’ve talked to Apala many times. He has never made a mistake or a slip. I think he might be too good to be true.


That’s not envy talking, is it?

Ambassador James

I have to admit to a little envy. I mean, the whole world is ready to follow him. He seems to be able to control everything--except one thing.



Ambassador James

These disastrous weather patterns worldwide.


You’re right. It’s the earthquakes that scare me the most. How many did we have last year?

Ambassador James

We had more earthquakes last year than anytime before. The UN has sent a team of seismologists to the heart of Russia to go down fifteen or twenty miles to the core of the earth and use their sound equipment to measure any movement of the earth.


Place: Siberia, Russia

Chief Engineer Dan Carter (age 47) is talking to his second-in-command just before they descend into the earth. Both are drinking coffee and it’s very cold outside.

Dan (matter-of-fact)

I had my little one come home from school in tears before I left for this place.


What happened?


Her class was talking about whether there is a Heaven or not. My kid was the only one who said there was. The other kids mocked her. The teacher did nothing.

Assistant (concerned)

Sounds like you better have a talk with the teacher when we get back.


I’m planning on it. Well, let’s get down there and get this over with. I’m freezing my butt off.

A group of men take elevators down to the core of the earth, turn on their sensitive sound equipment, and hear terrifying, screaming, weeping, wailing, fearsome noises from tormented souls of people in Hell.

Some of the workers are in shock; others run in terror.


Place: New Mexico

Two children are having lunch at an outdoor restaurant across from an old military base that was closed years ago. The two boys, Billy (age 10) and Bobby (age 12), have noticed something different about the base, and question their father (age 42).


Dad, we have been coming here for a long time. I don’t remember that smokestack being there before.

Father (agreeing)

Hadn’t seen that before myself. It could be a smelter.


What’s a smelter?


It’s what they use to melt gold, silver, and iron. Boys, I must go. Be back in a minute. Don’t move.

Father exits briefly.


You know what, Billy? We’re going to break into that old base and see what we can find. Are you with me?

Younger brother nods his head as the father returns.


Are you boys done and ready for home? We don’t want to keep your mother waiting. Remember, Grandma and Grandpa are coming for dinner later.

That same night the boys have been allowed to spend the night in their large tree house. They make plans to break into the base, which is only one mile away. Bobby instructs his younger brother.

Bobby (intense)

Now remember, we will take our bikes and ditch them on the north side of the base.

The boys breach the wall with a rope ladder. Now they are inside. They slowly move forward with a small flashlight for guidance. The first thing they look at is the furnace, with a body-sized gurney that feeds into the furnace.

Billy (scared)

I don’t like this place. Let’s get out of here.


You’re right, but look over there--that line of crates. I have to see what they are. Then we’ll go.

The boys look at a line of around thirty crates. One has been cracked open at one end. On the sides of the crates is printed “Made in Japan.” Bobby looks inside one of the crates.

Billy (excited and scared)

What is it . . . what is it?

Bobby (very scared)

It’s guillotines! Guillotines!


What’s that?

Bobby (in a panic)

I’ll explain later. Let’s get out of here fast!

The boys run to the north wall, go over, grab their bikes, and go.

Bobby (sternly)

Billy, not one word about being here to Mom, Dad, or anyone else, okay?



The boys head back to their tree house, their secret remaining with them.


Place: Washington D.C., the Oval Office

President Dockins is speaking to the head of FEMA, the agency that is involved in disaster relief. The head of FEMA is Dr. J. W. Thorton (age 55) who likes to be called “J.W.”

President Dockins (matter-of-fact)

Has the situation with our secret bases been taken care of, as we discussed before?


About half the bases so far have been refitted with crematoriums and guillotines and, as you wished, only foreign mercenaries to carry out your instructions.

President Dockins (in control)

J.W., you and your agency have been given an unlimited line of credit. The FBI and CIA have not been informed of your secret activities; nor will they. If there is a leak, I will pretend to have no knowledge of it. I will say that these bases have only been used for military training. I want to make it clear that there is to be no torture used, as it’s been banned worldwide. Use drugs so there will be no noise.


Mrs. President, who are the main offenders you want taken care of?

President Dockins (J.W. writes these down)

Number 1: anyone found with a gun;

Number 2: all protesters;

Number 3: anyone speaking against our current Constitution;

Number 4: anyone found with a Bible;

Number 5: anyone daring to speak about that old religion;

Number 6: anyone speaking a word against our friend the General or me;

Number 7: anyone calling someone else a sinner, now that we know there is no such thing as sin.

That’s all for now, J.W. As far as anyone knows, our conversation has been about your budget. That will be all.


As you wish, Mrs. President.

President Dockins (matter-of-fact)

I will call you when I want a report. Be careful; do not arrest anyone in broad daylight. Take them in the middle of the night if you can.

J.W. (concerned)

What about the public outcry that’s sure to come?

President Dockins

If I need help on that question, I’ll call on the wise man of Europe, General Apala.


That should do it.

President Dockins

That will do it.


Place: The United Nations in New York

Ambassador James is having lunch with Ambassador Carlos of Italy. They have been close friends for many years. Carlos (age 65) has been Italy’s ambassador for the last 15 years.

Ambassador James (very concerned, speaking softly)

Carlos, there is something going on. Every conversation I’ve had lately--I mean in the last year--seems to be all on the surface. No one here at the UN seems to be talking about issues like they used to.

Ambassador Carlos (carefully to James)

Get up slowly and go to the bathroom. I will follow you in about two minutes. Do it!

Ambassador James (surprised)


Now both inside UN bathroom, they make sure they are alone.

Ambassador Carlos

This information, you did not get from me. I could lose my job and my family. But here is what you’re sensing. Several nations, mainly Asia and Europe, are planning to attack the U.S. with atomic weapons.

Ambassador James (in a near panic)

What cities, and how?

Ambassador Carlos

New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, San Diego. They are going to attack by atomic sub. My guess--it will be the Russians.

Ambassador James


Ambassador Carlos

My guess is during this world peace meeting in Moscow in just a few days. This world peace meeting will be perfect cover for them. They will blame the attack on one of their rebel states. My advice, my dear friend, is to get your family out now. You own your own corporate jet and have an estate in England. Go.

Ambassador James (concerned)

It won’t do any good to try to warn the President, will it?

Ambassador Carlos

No, she is drunk with this peace movement, along with the rest of the world.

Ambassador James

What about Rosario?

Ambassador Carlos (knowing)

Russia is not that taken with Rosario. He is so focused on making peace agreements. This attack will take him by surprise. But beware of him--he is too good to be true. After your country is out of the way, Rosario will try to expand his power. Have you ever noticed the ring he wears on his right hand? It has one white stone, one red, and one blue. He definitely has his sights on your country.

Ambassador James

I’ll check that the next time he is on TV--which is almost all the time. Thanks, Carlos, for the warning. I owe you. How can I repay you?

Ambassador Carlos

Just remember, you didn’t hear it from me.

James and Carlos hug and part.


Place: Ambassador James’ home in Washington, D.C.

Ambassador James explaining to his wife Jan what he just found out.

Ambassador James (trying to be calm)

I have it on inside information that the U.S. is going to be attacked in three days during this first World Peace Conference.

Jan (not sure)

We have heard these rumors before and nothing has happened. But I have to agree, no one would expect an attack during this conference.

Ambassador James (concerned)

We have to get your family and mine on our plane and out of here. We will take them to London. We’ll make it a surprise vacation and transfer our money to our London branch by tomorrow morning.


I’ll call the folks and try to get them ready.

Ambassador James is on the phone with the President’s personal secretary, Mary.

Ambassador James (in a panic)

Mary, Ambassador James here. Would you send a message to the President for me? It is vital!


Go ahead.

Ambassador James

Tell her I’ve got reliable information that the U.S. is going to be bombed sometime in the next week--more than likely, while she and her staff are at this World Peace Conference.

Mary (reluctant)

You know that the President has heard all this before.

Ambassador James (pleading)

Please, Mary. I would try to reach President Dockins myself, but you are closer with her, and remember, I was the one who got you your job.

Mary (agreeable now)

I remember. I’ll take care of it.

Ambassador James (warning)

Mary, get out of Washington as fast as you can. The target cities are New York, Washington, L. A., and San Diego.


I’m going to have to talk to my husband about it.

Ambassador James

Mary, I’ve never been much of a praying man before, but I am now.

Mary (curious)

Which one of the gods do you pray to?

Ambassador James (with pride)

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.


I will light a few candles and meditate with my husband.

Ambassador James (recognizing her deception)

As you will. Good-bye!




Place: United Nations Headquarters in New York

Next day at the UN, 9 A.M., James walks into an almost deserted UN. James is startled, but now remembers Carlos’s words. He questions the lone secretary at the main entrance.

Ambassador James

What’s going on? Where is everybody?

Secretary (matter-of-fact)

All the ambassadors left in the middle of the night for Moscow.

James, without replying, rushes out to call his wife.

Ambassador James (upset, to Jan on the cell phone)

Jan, get everyone in the family ready. We only have a few hours left.


I’m scared.

Ambassador James (trying to be positive)

Honey, we don’t have time to be scared. I’ll meet you at our plane. Take our important papers and the few things that you must have. I have alerted our staff at our home in London to expect us, so all will be ready when we land. I’ll get to the plane as fast as I can. I love you.


Hurry! Love you, too.

James has his plane at a large airport. The family jet is a BBJ4 that has a range of 7000 miles and holds 25 people. We watch as the jet takes off with most of the family aboard.


Place: Moscow, the first World Peace Conference

With a massive crowd of most of the world leaders in attendance, the President of Russia, Valek Borekoff (age 60) introduces the keynote speaker, the President of the Western Union, Darlene Dockins.

President Borekoff

I am greatly honored that you choose Moscow to be the site of the first World Peace Conference. Of all the nations represented here, the one that has excelled in the quest for peace is the United States of the Western Union. Would you now welcome the President of this great nation, and great friend of the Soviet Union, President Darlene Dockins.

Standing ovation!

The U.S. President takes the podium with great pride and hope.

President Dockins

Thank you for that great welcome, Mr. President. Since we touched down in Air Force One yesterday, we have been overwhelmed by the love and kindness of the great Russian people.


I only wish that our mutual friend, General Rosario, could be with us. I understand he is working, as he always is, on a peace treaty between the last two feuding tribes in Africa. But since he is the man of peace, I’m sure he is with us in spirit.

There are some shouts of “Rosario! Rosario!” President Dockins nods in agreement, then continues.

I want to thank the leaders of the many great nations represented here this evening. It shows the great unity we now have in our mutual quest for world peace. Never before have we, or our forefathers, had this kind of agreement between the nations under a peaceful one-world government. We know this is working because of the continued prosperity of all the nations. This has never been, in the past. Now, there are many presidents here who need to speak to us, so I will end my part by declaring this: One people united under a new, one-world order!


President walks off the podium and takes her seat.


Place: Moscow Airport

The U.S. President is about to board Air Force One with her staff. We hear the sound of the engines warming up.

President Borekoff (to President Dockins)

Would you consider hosting next year’s World Peace Conference?

President Dockins (delighted)

Absolutely. We will start making plans for it right away. I’ll keep you posted, Mr. President. My plane is ready, so thanks for everything.

President Borekoff and his staff stand, smiling and waving until Air Force One is off the ground. President Borekoff turns to his number one general.

President Borekoff (big mood change)

General, let her plane have about two hours of flight; then tell the submarine commander of the Black November to prepare to launch our warheads against the U.S. at exactly 12 midnight on New Year’s Eve, New York time.


Yes, Mr. President.


Place: The James residence outside of London

A group of servants, both male and female, are helping the James family with their luggage as they move in.

Ambassador James makes his first phone call to London, to Ambassador to the U.S. Jason York, better know as “Yorkie.”

Ambassador James

Yorkie, is that you?

Ambassador York (surprised)

Is that you, James, old boy? It’s been a while. Are you here?

Ambassador James (serious)

Yes, Yorkie. But I’ve got something really important to tell you. Have you got a minute? I have some inside information. Do not head for the U.S. even if your calendar tells you to. The information is that there is a nuclear attack on the U.S. coming. It could be hours from now, or at the most, in a day or so.

Ambassador York (shocked)

My God--what can I do? Who is behind this bloody thing?

Ambassador James

My guess is the Russians. They are using this peace conference as a cover.

Ambassador York (thankful)

Thanks, James. You have never been wrong before. I will do as you say.

Ambassador James

Good. When I get settled, I’ll come see you. We will both know that the attack has taken place when there is no communication between this country and the U.S. Those atomic bombs will take care of that for three weeks or more.

The Russian atomic sub, the Black November, is now just two hundred miles off the coast of New York as part of a multinational war games exercise. Captain Boris Nicheck (age 52) is the number one sub commander of the Russian fleet. He and his crew are now receiving orders to launch their missile against the U.S. targets. Boris speaks to his crew.

Captain Boris

Comrades, this is your Captain speaking. The time we have been waiting for, to have a major part in the destruction of the USA, is here. In the past we had drills. This is not a drill. Prepare to launch.

At this news, the crew is overjoyed.

Captain Boris

Man your stations.

The crew is starting their countdown to launch. At the same time, a massive New Year’s Eve crowd at Times Square is counting down to midnight. Host for the countdown is radio personality Mr. G (age 35).

Mr. G (joyful)

10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1!

At exactly 12 midnight, most of New York is destroyed, along with Washington, Los Angeles, and San Diego. All communications are down for three weeks.


Place: Aboard Air Force One

The scene aboard the President’s plane is one of jubilation over the success of the peace conference. The champagne is flowing.

President Dockins (excited)

I’d like to propose a toast to the crew of this great plane. We give thanks for all your hard work.


Here, here!

President Dockins

I would also like to thank my staff for a job well done.


Here, here!

Pilot Colonel Bob Dail (age 42) rushes out of the cabin to tell the President that all communication with the U.S. is down-- all phones, faxes, etc. President Dockins now remembers the warning of Ambassador James. She walks to the front of the plane and tells the pilot to fly to the Air Force base at Juneau, Alaska, under the command of General Zack Stone. Discovering that communications are open with Europe, she calls the General and tells him to prepare for the Air Force One landing and to put the base on full alert.


Place: Juneau, Alaska; Air Force One has landed

President Dockins

General, I want two B-2’s sent to the U.S. They are to film all major cities: New York, Washington, etc. Make sure these planes have their radiation shields up. Our country may have been attacked with atomic warheads. Part of my staff will stay on my plane; find quarters for the others. Have your people service my plane and check everything. You are to call all of our European bases: Japan, Germany, etc., to be put on full alert until further notice. Is that clear?

General Stone

Yes, Mrs. President, at once.

Much later the B-2’s return with bad news. New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and San Diego have been mostly destroyed. The pilots were able to communicate with those on the ground using old-fashioned Morse code. Massive destruction and loss of life was reported.

President Dockins is on the phone with General Rosario.

President Dockins (angry)

General, what the hell is going on? I work with you for years on this world peace plan and a country right under your nose has the guts to attack my country, causing unimaginable destruction?

General Rosario (calmly)

Mrs. President, I have never lied to you in all these years of our friendship. I’m not going to start now. The attack was a total surprise to me. I was in Africa, as you know. This was going to be my last peace agreement, and now this.

President Dockins (wanting revenge)

Well, I’m getting mixed reports. Most are telling me that the country responsible is the Russian rebel state of Nestka.

General Rosario (in control)

I just talked to the Russian president. He said it was Nestka acting on its own with a stolen sub. We hope you will not take revenge on Russia. That would hurt the people of Germany, France, and others, due to the fallout. Please let me use my forces to destroy those who tried to destroy you. Do you know why this small country attacked you? My people are telling me that this country’s hatred of the U.S. goes back to the Cold War days, long before your time and mine.

President Dockins (more in control)

General, go ahead and destroy Neska, as you said. Then call me. That’s all.

General Rosario

As you wish, Mrs. President.


Place: New U.S. government headquarters at Juneau, Alaska, Air Base

Two weeks later, Air Force One is landing at Alaska Air Base.

All communications are back online. The news from Europe is that Russia, looking for a spoil, has moved its entire army against the nation of Israel. To the Russians, this looks easy--but it is not. Now they are going to find out that there is a GOD. Ninety per cent of the army is destroyed by the power of God. This event is witnessed on satellite TV by the whole world. We see what’s left of the Russian army, in retreat and in humiliation.


Place: Rome, Vatican

The General has taken over the U.S. and Russia without firing a shot. Speaking via satellite TV, he now addresses all the nations. Being a great actor, he pretends to be in great sorrow, but in reality is overjoyed. Pope Marcus is ill. In his place, the General has invited his cousin, Saint Ricardo, the leader of the New World Religion. Ricardo (age 46) always promotes the General. There is a crowd of about 300,000 in attendance.

General Rosario (in deep sorrow, speaking slowly)

My fellow citizens of the world: The small republic of Nestka has attacked America. They have been punished for their crime against our dear friends. And if that was not enough trouble for us, the whole Russian army tried to take Israel for her oil and food. This made your gods angry, and fire destroyed ninety per cent of the Russian army. As a result, the new president of Russia has asked me and my forces to take over and bring order. The same holds true for the U.S. I can see fear on many of your faces. All the more reason to stick together and help the nations that need it the most, mainly the U.S. Let us not forget that it was the U.S. who, after the Great War, rebuilt most of Europe, and also kept us safe in the past from the menace of terrorism.

Some applause

And I will say this again. Any country that attacks our family, meaning our union, attacks us all. You are already thinking as I am, that we together have a lot of work ahead of us. We must restore the peace--I mean world peace and the one-world government that you have chosen me to lead. After all, was it I who attacked our brothers and sisters in America?

Shouts of “NO! NO!” from the massive crowd

Was it I who tried to destroy my people Israel?

More shouts of “Never! Never!”

We are grateful to the gods and to my forces for the destruction of the Russian army. From now on, this will be the fate of anyone or any movement that is intolerant to our way of peace and prosperity.

Small ovation

Let us not forget that my cousin Saint Ricardo has been saying to you over and over again that it is a hate crime to call people sinners. That is an example of that old religion which, I’m sad to say, some still hold to this day. I say to you, they are enemies of our peace and our gods.

Shouts of “Yes, they are! Yes!”

This is enough for you today. I want you to burn this message into your hearts. Pray for the peace of the U.S. and Israel. Israel is my next stop, now that the U.S. can no longer protect her. Your General has spoken. That is all.


Place: Jerusalem at the Wailing Wall, two days later

General Rosario is about to give a comforting message to the people of Israel. The General has been a chief supporter of Israel, along with the U.S., so he is no stranger to the nation of Israel. Rosario gives his speech in front of the Wailing Wall, with worldwide TV coverage.

General Rosario (calm, but with resolve)

Before I speak to you, can we have a moment of silence for our dear brothers and sisters of America?

--for the three million who were lost in that cowardly attack on their great nation.

All are silent for one minute.

My dear friends, for many years the United States has been your number one ally and defender. Now, as you know, the U.S. is in a fight for its survival. Of course, you and I have pledged our full support. Now the question on your leaders’ hearts is: What about Israel? What about our great nation? Would you consider me and my forces to provide comfort and security for you?

Shouts of “Yes, yes, we would!”

I have donated one billion Euros for the building of your new temple so you can worship as in the days of old.

Shouts of “Praise God!”

The agreement is—or, to use one of your terms, the covenant is, that I will protect you and see to your peace and safety for the next seven years, backed by my six- million-man army. Your leaders have already looked into this covenant and are considering it. The question is, will you?

The crowd is in almost total agreement, saying, “Yes, yes, yes!” with much applause. The General raises his hand for quiet, then continues:

Now that we are in total agreement, let us once again seek to be world citizens under my peaceful one-world government.

Shouts of “One world, one world ...”

The leadership of your nation has asked me to wait one week before the finalizing of our agreement, giving the many people worldwide the opportunity to attend this historic event. So I will return in one week. Until then, may your god be with you.

Rosario steps down to shouts of “Our god has finally come-- praise your name!”


Place: Alaska Headquarters

President Dockins calls Ambassador James in London.

Ambassador James

Hello, Mrs. President. What’s going on now?

President Dockins

As you know, we are all in Alaska now, freezing our butts off. But listen, before I forget, please accept my heartfelt apology for not believing you about the attack. But even if I had known, what could I have done?

Ambassador James

Mrs. President, not much. The attack came so suddenly, but what about now? What would you have me do?

President Dockins (in control)

I’m sending Air Force II to pick you up and fly you to Brussels, Belgium, the new headquarters of the UN. I want you to represent me and find out what’s going on. Then report back to me. Is that clear?

Ambassador James

Yes, Mrs. President.

President Dockins

Air Force II will land at Heathrow Airport at 8 A.M. your time.

Ambassador James

As you wish, Mrs. President.


Place: UN Headquarters, Belgium

Reverend Ricardo Devine is speaking before many world leaders. The subject is General Rosario.

Reverend Devine (sincere but lying)

The question is simple: Who can lead us out of these new problems we face? The U.S. needs help, and so does the Soviet Union, and yes, I have not forgotten the great nation of Israel. Who can help us--or a better question is this--who is helping us?

Many (not all) the world leaders shout, “Rosario! Rosario!”

Reverend Devine

Who? Who?

More shouts: “Rosario! Rosario! Rosario!”

Reverend Devine (serious)

Then why are some of you not pledging your support? Do I have to review with you fence-sitters what the General has been doing in the last few months? First, the U.S. lost three million of its people in the attack, so the General sent one million of his security forces to keep order and help with the rebuilding. Second, with the U.S. no longer able to protect Israel, the General has pledged his six-million-man army to protect her. Third, in defiance of the UN, EU, and NATO, the Russians decided to attack Israel. We all saw what took place. Our gods and the General’s forces destroyed ninety per cent of the Russian army. Russia is not a threat to anyone anymore. That’s because of one man--the General. So now America is under the General’s care. Russia is under the General’s control. Israel, by way of a seven-year covenant, will soon be under the General’s care. So, you say, what does all this mean to you world leaders? Once again, a renewed quest for world peace and the pursuit of prosperity. And who, once again, can give us all these things?

Ovation--all shout “Apala! Apala!”, etc.

Reverend Devine (smiling, pleased). He waits for silence, then speaks:

Reverend Devine

As you have spoken, so shall it be. That’s all.

Reverend Devine turns and leaves.


Place: Jerusalem

General Rosario returns to Israel to sign the historic peace agreement at the Wailing Wall. Five hundred thousand attend, plus billions on satellite TV. The General does not speak, but signs and welcomes the praise of the people, something he dearly loves and craves. The scene moves to the U.S. at night.


Place: The U.S. and the rapture of the Saints

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thess 4:16,17

From above the earth we see many shafts of light. The lights are people, the people of God, the followers of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. This event is causing massive panic on the earth. Cars crash; planes fall from the sky. Massive confusion sets in with the people of the earth, including the Christians, who somehow were not prepared for this great event.


Place: Lake Como, Italy, General Rosario’s residence, the day after the Rapture

The General, already aware of this Rapture event, is having a celebration with most of his leaders and friends. Apala knew this event was coming, but he did not know when. A live Latin jazz band plays as the guests dance.


Place: Vatican (same day)

Cardinal Rashee (age 60) rushes into the Pope’s dining area with the shocking news.

Cardinal Rashee (in a panic with news in hand)

Your Eminence, you had better take a look at this--it’s amazing.

The Pope looks at the headlines that say, “Millions are missing worldwide.”

Pope Marcus

What does this mean?

Cardinal Rashee (confused)

I don’t know, but know this, many of our own people are missing.

Pope Marcus

I heard about something like this years ago, but I’m not sure. Go get me my son Rosario. He is at his home on the lake. Take the yacht. He will surely know what this means.


Place: Lake Como

Rosario is having a wonderful time celebrating, now that many belonging to the old religion have disappeared, making it possible for the General to move forward with his plans. The Cardinal arrives and has to wait because the General is playing the conga drums. When the number ends, the Cardinal greets his friend.

General Rosario (acting innocent)

Cardinal, what brings you here?

Cardinal (concerned)

Your father is concerned about all these people missing worldwide. He wants you to come to him.

General Rosario Can you give me just a little time here?--and then I will be happy to go with you. Have some champagne and food, refresh yourself, and be assured that I will have an answer for my father the Pope.


Good. I’ll wait.

As the celebration wanes, the General excuses himself and goes with the Cardinal. They arrive at the Vatican late that night.


Place: The Vatican

The Pope waits and is very concerned and upset.

Pope Marcus

My son, thank you for coming.

General Rosario (kneels and kisses the Pope’s hand in reverence)

Your Eminence, what can I do for you?

Pope Marcus (great concern)

My dear son, can you explain all these millions that are missing worldwide? Even some of my own people have been taken.

General Rosario (taking his time)

You will notice that the ones who have been taken are made up of the intolerant ones--those of that hateful old religion, those who have said that good people are sinners and who have said over and over that there is only one way to God. Our gods have taken them off this earth because they were unloving rebels, like the Russians attacking my people Israel. This was the gods’ judgment on them. Now concerning you, my Father, don’t you think that if this was truly a blessing from the gods, you, as head of the church, would be part of it?

There is a pause for a moment; then the Pope and the Cardinal, in unison, say:

Pope Marcus and Cardinal

We agree with your assessment. Thank you for coming.

The General departs and heads back to his mansion on Lake Como.


Place: The General’s mansion at Lake Como

The General now is at ease, still loving the fact that so many of his enemies are now gone.

General Rosario (with kindness, to his servants)

I have decided to give you all the rest of the day off. This is because of your excellent service to my friends and guests. Thank you. I do not want to see you until noon tomorrow. That is all.

Servants exit happily. As soon as his last servant leaves, the General heads for his locked cellar, his secret place of worship. As the General moves down to the bottom of the cellar, we see many lighted candles and an altar with many satanic symbols. The General falls on his face and worships in awe.

The General speaks to his true father, Satan.

General Rosario (very humble)

My father, you have truly blessed me, your son. The whole world lies in your hands. We together have deceived almost the entire world. America is ours. Russia is ours. So is Africa and our big prize, Israel. There are only a few left who resist your power. But they will fall soon. When that happens, the whole world will worship you as the only god, Lord Satan. I stand ready to serve you, along with your other son, Reverend Devine.

The General is shocked because for the first time Satan speaks to him in a clear, audible voice.

Satan (pleased)

I’m pleased with you, my son. Keep pushing forward. I’m with you and in you, as you are in me. Soon I will come to you in person. You will see me as I am in a moment of time.

Then you will be one with me, as I am with you. Look for me. I will appear to you both.

The voice of Satan comes with great authority, just like God’s voice. The devil is the supreme imitator in this world.


Place: Lake Como, two days later

The General and his false prophet Reverend Devine walk arm in arm on the shores of the lake and discuss their worldwide progress.

General Rosario (inquiring)

Do you have a report for me, my brother?

Reverend Devine

More and more decisions are being made for you. Many small nations are falling into our hands. My goal is to cause the whole world to worship you, my General. Only a relative few stand in our way.

General Rosario


Reverend Devine

Like the 144,000 servants of that old religion and those two prophets in Jerusalem, plus those who follow their false teaching.

As the General and Reverend Devine continue their walk, a pillar of fire falls from the sky in front of them. They both fall to the ground, terrified. Then they slowly rise to see their father Satan with his arms open. They both run to him and fall at his feet and embrace him.

Satan (with a passion)

My sons, how I have longed for this moment when we could see each other face to face. I praise you, my sons. You have done well. Almost the whole world worships me through you two. Now, my son Rosario, it’s time to kill all those who refuse to worship me through you: the Jews and anyone else who refuses to accept you as their god. Reverend Devine, you must help your brother by speaking harder against that old religion and making sure the Jews whom I hate understand that my son Rosario is their messiah, the one they have been waiting for, these many centuries. Also continue pushing everyone to become world citizens. This is my will. That is all.

Satan is gone in a flash. Rosario and Reverend Devine look at each other in fear and awe.


Place: California, where Americans are in survival mode

The General has posted rewards on all those who in any way disobey him or dare to speak against him. The new list of laws is endless and impossible to follow. In other words, one can be arrested for just about anything at any time.

An American family is escaping into the northern wilderness. They own a sporting goods store called Outdoors, Inc. Outside their store is a sign posted: “Closed for remodel.” The family has a work van pulled up to a small loading dock. The family gathers around the father to hear his plan for escape.

Father: Robert Lakes (age 52). Mother: Sue Lakes (age 42). Sons: John (age 18) and Steve (age 20).

Mr. Lakes (in truth)

First, I want to remind you all that as a child my parents took me to Sunday school. This continued until I was John’s age. At that time I left the church to pursue a new god, which for me was money. That’s how I was able to get this store. But for the last six months, in my sleep, everything I learned in the past is coming back to me about what they now refer to as that old religion.


What does that have to do with us? Are we going to leave everything, Pa?

Mr. Lakes

Yes, son. I’ll explain. Everything I learned from my parents points to this general in Europe as the coming antichrist.



Mr. Lakes (explaining)

The antichrist is a man the Bible calls the devil in human flesh, who is here for one purpose: to declare himself God and then to kill all those who will not bow to him.


Are our lives in danger? Is that why we are going to our secret place in the forest?

Mr. Lakes

That’s right, Steve. We’re going to take as much of these goods as possible out of this store, load up our plane, and disappear into the forest. We must keep this to ourselves. Is that understood?

The family nods in agreement.

I know we are leaving a lot of family behind, but that is the only way we’re going to survive. I have set an automatic fire device that will give us two hours before it goes off and burns this store down. We must make it look like we perished in the fire. All right, let’s load up and get out of here.

The family loads dry foods, sleeping bags, fishing poles, and two guns that have been hidden in the floor. They take off in a mid-size seaplane and land in a very remote lake, deep in the Northern California forest. The plane is then put in the forest and covered.

With the world now four years into the rule of the General, and the increasing wrath of God’s judgments on the people, many people take their own lives as a way out, while others are responding to the Gospel preaching of the 144,000 special men of God.


Place: Washington D.C., four years after the attack; State of the Union speech

Now that the radiation levels have subsided and the White House has been rebuilt, President Dockins returns to the capital from Alaska. Very tired, but happy to be home, the President takes the podium and speaks to a much smaller Senate and Congress. Due to the rebuilding of the U.S., the President has been given a third term in office.

President Dockins (upbeat but weary)

It’s been a long, cold four years, but to be back home is wonderful. Not for one moment have I forgotten those three million of our citizens who perished in the attack. I know the people of our great nation want more revenge, but to do that would invite World War III and the total destruction that it would bring. So we have decided to rebuild our cities and protect our coast. We are also asking all foreigners who have resided here less then ten years to leave and go back to their own countries.


Also, we have deployed all of our aircraft carriers and our atomic subs off the coast of China, Russia, and the Middle East. Never again will this country be taken by surprise.

Standing ovation!

There is much concern about the increase in these natural disasters. Our experts are telling us that global warming is the cause. General Rosario seems to agree. The cashless plan that the General has in place for Europe seems to be working very well. The people do not have to worry about identity theft or credit card fraud. They now have a number system, a mark on the hand or forehead. The number is simply scanned for all purchases. It’s very clean and efficient. We are considering it for the U.S. and linking it by computer to the EU system. The real good news is that we are rebuilding very quickly. The new Pentagon is almost complete. I want, as your President, to sincerely thank you for all that you have sacrificed, and for your service to each other in this huge task.

May your gods be with you all. That is all.

Standing ovation as the President steps down.


Place: Jerusalem, in the presence of God’s two prophets

The two prophets are from Heaven and are spoken about in the book of Revelation. They have been sent by God to warn mankind to repent and turn to God’s Son Jesus Christ. They have been given the ability to make it rain or stop it from raining. Anyone who tries to harm them is destroyed by fire. When they speak, they speak as one. A small crowd gathers around them.

Two Prophets, in unison (very somber)

Woe to those who call good evil and evil good.

Woe to those who worship many gods and have forsaken the true God, Jesus the Son of God.

Did not our Savior say, I am the way, the truth and the life? No one comes to the father except through me. Yet you have rejected your only hope, Jesus Christ.

The small crowd becomes uneasy, starts calling out names against the two men of God.

1st Person

Go away from us! Leave us alone. What have we to do with you?

2nd Person

Give us rain! Give us water to drink!

Two Prophets (stern)

Repent of your evil deeds and do not receive the coming mark of the General and we will give you rain. Know this: You have only seen part of God’s wrath, but His full wrath is imminent. So be diligent and repent, for today is the day of salvation.

With this last appeal, the small crowd slowly goes its own way. The time is up for the two prophets and now they can be killed like other men. The General sends an assassin to kill them. The people are happy to see them dead, and celebrate, as the Bible said they would. They are not buried, but remain in the street for three days. Then, with the whole world watching on satellite TV, God raises them from the dead. At the same time, a great earthquake (Rev 11:13) kills 7000 people. Some praise God for His power.


Place: Rome, the Vatican

General Rosario (very calm)

It is nice to be able to speak to you, my fellow citizens of the world, and not be bothered by those two lying prophets who, in their deception, were preaching that there was only one way to God. For those who are unaware, the false ones are dead.

There is much rejoicing in the crowd.

General Rosario

I see it pleased you to see them leave?

More joy from the crowd. Some in the crowd shout “Messiah! Messiah!” The General takes in the moment. This is what he has been waiting for from the people.

General Rosario (overjoyed)

I must admit that the false ones did get one thing right. There is only one who is all gods in one person, and that person is I.

Most of the crowd starts praising the General as their god, but a few resist. The General’s world police arrest those. The TV cameras are only allowed to film the end of the General’s performance, when he mingles with the crowd.

General Rosario

Only a few of you have been chosen to receive this wisdom before the rest of the world. I will go to the new temple in Jerusalem that has been built for me, and declare to the Jews that I’m their long-awaited messiah.

Crowd says “Yes! Yes! Yes!” as the General moves on and steps into the crowd. The General moves through the crowd with confidence, knowing that the resisters have been removed. Suddenly, an assassin shoots the General point-blank in the head and kills him. The crowd and the world police are in a great panic now that their leader has been killed. This time the whole world sees this via satellite TV. Nearly all mourn this great man.


Place: A very remote hiding place in the Pacific

The news has reached even remote places on earth because of advanced technology. Ambassador James and his wife talk about this turn of events, with the General now dead.

Ambassador James (to his wife)

The General has been assassinated.



Ambassador James

He was speaking in front of a large crowd, like he always does, when someone killed him.


The General just about had control of the whole world. What’s going to happen now? What about our family here?

Ambassador James (thinking)

We are going to wait and see if this man truly is the antichrist the Bible talks about. If he is, he will be raised from the dead by Satan’s power, and at that time Satan will come into him and he will be the devil in human flesh. If this happens, and I think it will, the General will become much worse then he is now. He will be the most dreaded man ever born of a woman. I said “if.” We will see in due time.

Jan (curious)

If you’re right and this happens, what will he do next?

Ambassador James

He will go into the new temple in Jerusalem and declare himself God--and know this, this event will be on every TV in the world.


Place: The Vatican, the General’s funeral

A huge crowd is in attendance, including the President of the United States. The funeral is inside the Vatican. The Pope will give the tribute to his dear son Apala.

Pope Marcus (emotional)

My brothers and sisters of the world, for those of you who have lost your loved ones, you and only you know how I feel at this moment.

The crowd becomes silent. The Pope dabs his eyes, then continues.

I have lost my only son in the faith, and this world has lost the greatest man of peace this world has ever known or will know. It’s very hard to say good-bye to my only son.

Satan now enters the General and raises him up. The General rises to a sitting position.

General Rosario

You don’t have to, my father. Death could not hold me.

Most of the crowd falls on their faces in fear and awe. The Pope is speechless, but rushes over to embrace his son. The crowd now recovers and starts a long session of praise and thanksgiving.


Place: Jerusalem, the rebuilt Temple

The General comes before a large crowd. Billions are watching on TV. His speech is slow and measured. He is dressed in his all-white uniform with gold piping. This is two days after being raised.

General Rosario (slowly)

Now we know, don’t we?

Many in the crowd respond with shouts: “Yes, we do! Yes, we do!”

The evidence of who I am, the god of all gods in one, should be plain to everyone. Look at my work of world peace and the fact that I raised myself from the dead.

A few resist and say “No, no, no!” and are taken away.

General Rosario

You see, there are a few who are rebels and refuse to believe, even after seeing. This day I’m making this law. All those who refuse to worship me and will not receive my mark, which is 666, must be put to death. Thus says the god of this age. You can openly praise me now--the king you have been waiting for.

All in front of the General fall to the ground in worship. This goes on for ten minutes. Now the devil has what he has always wanted: to be worshipped as God.


Place: Vatican, death of the Pope

Pope Marcus is not so sure about his godson Apala, but he still has a wait-and-see attitude. He does not get to see the real Apala because he is given a poisoned sleeping pill and dies. The General, of course, arranged all this because it’s time to eliminate all forms of religion other than the General religion, meaning himself.

Four days later at the Pope’s funeral there are about one million people in attendance. Of course, the keynote speaker is the General, who is dressed in his all-black uniform. He walks slowly up to the podium to address the crowd. He pretends to be in great emotional distress. It is all a lie, but then again, the General is the father of lies.

General Rosario (with fake emotion)

It is with a heavy heart that I speak to you today. It is one thing to lose a friend, but it is another thing to lose a father. We have lost a great man of peace. I have personally looked into my Pope’s passing and the doctors have confirmed that the Pope died of natural causes. But at this time it is far too painful for me to continue speaking.

Some in the crowd start to praise the General.

General Rosario

No, no, no--you can save your praise of me for another time. I must leave you. I am appointing my cousin, Reverend Devine, to take up the Pope’s mantle.

The General steps down to take a last look at the Pope before the people.


Place: Washington, D.C., later in time

The U.S. is still rebuilding and has a long way to go, but the Capitol has been rebuilt, along with the Pentagon. The President is now talking to her National Security Advisor, Frank Dean (age 65).

Mrs. President (concerned)

Frank, give me a report on the states you have visited.

Frank (matter-of-fact)

Mrs. President, in every state I have visited in the last six months, there seems to be a great degree of order, thanks to the one million world police that the General has given us.

Mrs. President (happy)

That sounds good. I’ve been starving for some good news. What do you think about the claim that he indeed is God in human flesh?

Frank (slowly)

I must admit that in all my sixty-five years on this earth, I have never seen anyone like him. I mean, raised from the dead! I have never been a religious man in my life, but everything this man does seems to support who he says he is.

Mrs. President (in total agreement)

What about his mark 666, and those without it cannot buy or sell, making all gold and silver worthless?


Mrs. President, with all due respect, our country is in no condition to make any demands. As you know, it’s going to take us many years to repair the damage that the attack has caused, not to mention these natural disasters that seem to be increasing here and around the world.

Mrs. President (tired)

Frank, thank you for the report, but that’s all I can take for now. Keep up the good work and report back to me in a month.


As you wish, Mrs. President.


What’s on American TV?

We now look at what TV might look like in the near future. All channels are on the 666 network.

Channel 13 presents The Rape Game.

Announcer (excited)

Welcome to The Rape Game. You all know how it goes. We capture a woman or man from off the streets of the city. We put them in this cage. Then we choose a lucky willing person from our live audience to rape them. It’s great fun, and we thank you for making us one of the top five programs on TV.



Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Manhunt. As you know, we select males and females at random. Tonight’s guest is John Andrews, age 45, who seems to be in good shape. He will have to be. Our location this week is the forest of northern California. We asked you last week what form of execution you wanted if our guest is captured. You voted for hanging, and of course you know that if our three well-armed hunters fail to capture our guest in the two hours allotted to them, they in turn will be put to death by hanging.

Thanks again for watching.

Russian Roulette:


Russian Roulette is nothing new in our past history, though we only saw it in made-up movies and TV shows. But this program, for our first time, is real. Nothing fake. Our guest victim tonight is Jimmy Smith, age 25. Jimmy was caught stealing apples because he was hungry. That excuse, we just can’t accept. Stealing is stealing, and a crime against our mother. By that, I mean Mother Nature. But to be fair and humane, our guest does have a small chance not to be killed. You see, we are using an Old West 45-caliber pistol. Five cylinders are empty. One has a bullet in it. If our guest makes it through all five without being killed, we will give him a 5000-unit credit on his 666 account.


Place: The outer courtyard of the temple in Jerusalem

The General now has taken over all worldwide communications: computers, TV, radio, phones, etc. The General is speaking from the platform of his personally assumed God status.

General Rosario (happy)

Today is a new day, a day of hope and a new form of love. It was said from that old religion that somehow people were sinners. But today I make this degree and command as your savior and god. There is no such thing as sin or sinners. I set you free in my name, and my name only.


Now rest in my love and care until I speak to you the next time. Oh, yes, one last thing. I am releasing all men and women from all the prisons of this world. You are to be set free. That is my command and my will.


Anyone who disobeys me will be put to death. No one will be spared. Also, as I have told you before, those who refuse my mark, which is 666, will die.

Much praise from the people as the General steps down.

General Rosario

That is all.


The weather news around the world:

1. Massive flooding kills millions in India.

2. Magnitude 9.0 earthquake hits the nation of Greece and kills thousands.

3. Famine puts all of Africa at risk.

4. Meteorite hits fifty miles off the coast of Seattle. The whole city is under water.

5. The sun’s rays have increased to a point that millions are dying of heat stroke.


Place: Jerusalem, where the 144,000 preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ

The 144,000 servants of God have God’s seal on them. They cannot be killed. These men have power to heal and to create food and water. Their message is simple: Repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. The key speaker's name is Brother Tarsus.

Brother Tarsus (from his heart)

The time is short. This might be the last chance for you to be forgiven. Last time your warning came from our brothers, the two prophets here in Jerusalem. But seeing, you did not see, and hearing, you did not hear.

Brother Tarsus (in truth)

Now a word about the truth versus the lie.

Number one:

The General has told you that the increase in these worldwide disasters is the work of global warming. No. It’s the work of God on you for rejecting His son Jesus.

Number two:

The General has told you that he is God. Well, he is the god of killing, stealing, and destroying God’s creation--meaning you and yours. It’s time to wake up and be saved, and there is only one name in Heaven and earth that can save you. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us continue to expose the god you have chosen to follow.

Number three:

The General has promised you prosperity, so he takes away your gold and silver and gives you his mark, which is 666 (Rev 13:16). If you have taken this mark, you are already condemned to Hell for eternity. The General has deceived you, I am grieved to say. But those of you who do not take this mark and change your ways now--it most likely will cost you your life and the lives of those around you. So what do you want? To die for this false god, the General, and end up in Hell, or die for the Lord Jesus Christ and go to Heaven?

Many in the crowd cry out: “Go to Heaven!”

Brother Tarsus (pleased)

Good. Come forward and we will pray the most important prayer of your life, the prayer of salvation.

Repeat after me:

Heavenly Father, in the name of your Son Jesus, please forgive us for our many sins: First, for being deceived by the devil’s son, the General. For calling evil good and good evil. For following many gods instead of the only God, Jesus Christ. Our Lord said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me (John 14:6). Now I confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I now know that I am a sinner in need of You, my Savior. Please give me the strength and courage to live for You. Thank You for saving me.


The Locust from Hell:

“And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months ...” Rev. 9:5, KJV

This judgment of God is for all unbelievers to see, if they will repent. These people will want to die, but will not be able to. The General will now have to address this new situation, as a great multitude seeks answers from him.

A large number of people come to the General, pleading for help.

General Rosario (very sternly)

Why do you cry out to me?

The Great Crowd

We are your followers! Why are we being punished?

General Rosario

Why? I will tell you why. Because in your hearts you have forsaken me, as if you think I don’t know what’s in your hearts. This torment will last for a little season, and then the locust will be called away from you. Do I not have the power to do this?

The General walks off as the crowd chants “Yes, you do! Yes, you do!”


Place: The General’s residence at Lake Como

This is an important meeting between the General and the leaders of the nations--in all, thirty-five heads of state.

General Rosario (speaking slowly)

My dear friends. Thank you all for being so prompt. I intend to enlarge borders and increase your prosperity, but first I want to propose a toast.

All guests hold up their glasses.

It gives me great joy to announce to you, my faithful servants, as your leader and god, that the whole world lies in my hands and yours. Let us drink to that.

As the leaders drink, thirteen of them fall to their deaths and only twenty-two are left standing. Now the feigned joy is gone as the General stares at those remaining.

General Rosario (very serious)

You are asking yourselves why this has happened. Because these men and women failed to obey me. I gave them everything and they decided not to worship me. Let this not be your fate.

The remaining twenty-two fall down and worship the General for two minutes before he asks them to stand to their feet.

General Rosario (pleased)

Now that I have your focus on me, your only god, my servants will pass out to all of you a list of your new territories that I am giving you--the ones that belonged to those who have just departed.

The remaining twenty-two give thanks to the General. More praise as one of the leaders ask for instructions.

Leader (humbly)

Our god, what would you have us do?

General Rosario (in control)

Number one, you are to put to death anyone who does not obey my laws:

1. Anyone who refuses my mark;

2. All those who refuse to praise me as their god;

3. Anyone who says one word about that old religion;

4. Anyone found with a gun.

Now, you all know the rest. One other thing. You are not to arrest anyone; just have them killed on the spot. Their families can take care of the bodies.

This last thing concerns the nation of Israel. Israel has rebelled against me. I give you this command: Prepare your troops to attack Israel, whom I hate. I will come to you in two weeks. Be ready. That is when we will destroy Israel completely. Now go!

The twenty-two leave in a hurry. They know their lives are on the line.

The next scene takes place in Heaven as we see and hear God’s response from His throne. The time has come for God to judge the earth and all those who have come against Israel and worshipped the General, the false god.


Place: The throne of God

We see a tall angel, seven feet tall, dressed in white. He has in his hands a golden cup that is now full of the sins of the people of the earth. As the angel gets closer to the throne, we can see and hear what’s on the throne and what moves out from the throne. On the throne is fire. From the fire comes lightning and thunder. The angel is now on his knees, still with the cup in his hand. God speaks from the fire.

God (with love)

Gabriel, my faithful son, you may stand and speak, for you are worthy.

Gabriel (slowly)

Father, you told me to report to you when the people of the earth were at a point of destroying the earth. That point, my Lord, has been reached.

As the angel stands motionless, the lightning stops; so does the thunder. Now the fire turns into blue fire in the shape of a man seated.

God (repeating his word)

Did I not say that vengeance is Mine?

Millions of angels and saints respond in unison with one word: Hallelujah!


Did I not say that those who have rejected My free gift of salvation through My Son Jesus would face My full wrath?



Did I not say that I would destroy those who come against the apple of My eye, My people Israel?



Did I not warn the leaders of Israel more than two thousand years ago that they would reject Me, their true God, and receive a false god who would come in his own name--the one who is busy killing you and everyone else, the General?


God (to the angel)

Now, go gather all My angels and all My holy saints, all dressed in white linen, mounted on white horses. I am the judge of all the earth, and this judgment is Mine.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


Earth at the end of the Great Tribulation

Israel is being sacked and ravaged. We see massive scenes of the battlefield, millions of troops from all over the world attacking Israel. In the middle of this war, when it looks like there is no hope for the people of Israel, suddenly there is a sound of music that comes from above. The battle stops as the invaders stop to listen to the chorus of “hallelujah,” sung by millions of angels. Now that all eyes are focused on the sky, they see a large ball of fire headed right for the place they are standing. The ball of fire gets larger and larger as it gets closer to them. The fireball hits earth, but we don’t hear the sound of it, just the soft music of Heaven’s “hallelujah.” The fireball splits the Mount of Olives, and then carves out a path. At the end of the path is a throne all in white. The Jewish people and some Gentiles move in on both sides of the path, still smoking from the fireball. The heavenly music continues to play. The people wait in great anticipation at what is coming down the path. Now they see the procession. A black boy, about eight years old, is leading it, dressed in white. On his head is a crown of gold. In his hands he holds a golden cross, from which the blue fire comes forth, killing all those present who are the enemies of God. Behind the boy comes the King of Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ, on a white horse, looking like He looked when He hung on the cross. He is bleeding from the crown of thorns and the wounds on His back. On His robe are the words “King of Kings, Lord of Lords.” The people now see their true King. They now mourn for Him and cry out to Him for forgiveness. They weep as if they had lost their first-born. The music from Heaven now stops. Now we can hear the cries of the people on both sides of the path and the joys of those who already have been saved before this great event. Behind the Lord follows the twelve apostles and all those killed for their witness, followed by the rest of the saints of glory; after that, the angels according to rank.

Now we see the Lord on His throne. His wounds have been healed and there is no more blood on His robe. The black boy now puts his crown on the Lord’s head as the two prophets look on from both sides of the throne.

There is massive praise and joy from those around God’s throne. It could go on forever, but then the Lord stands up. Now there is complete silence. Michael the archangel is dragging the unholy three in chains. They are screaming and gnashing their teeth. They are not repenting or asking for forgiveness. The Lord silences them with a motion of His right hand and now passes judgment on them.


I created Hell and the lake of fire for you, the unholy trinity: The General--the false messiah; Reverend Divine--the false prophet; and Satan--your evil father, and for all those who have followed your deception.

With these words, the Lord nods to the black boy at His right hand. The boy moves off the throne and directly in front of the unholy three. He holds up the golden cross, and when he does, the antichrist and the false prophet fall into the lake of fire, screaming. The earth closes over them. Now it is Satan’s turn. The boy returns to the throne as God speaks to Satan.

Jesus (with great sorrow)

I am binding you up in the abyss for a thousand years. After the thousand years is up, I will loose you for a little season, so the hearts of the people can be revealed.

God allows Satan to have a last few words.

Satan (in hatred and pain)

It’s not over. It will never be over. When you let me out, these people will once again choose me . . . me . . . me . . . me . . .

With the last “me,” the earth opens up and Satan falls into the abyss.

Jesus is standing in front of His throne. The black boy is now joined by a great host of children, all dressed in white, all praising God, as are the rest of the people.

Jesus (rejoicing)

Rejoice, my people, for I make all things new, and behold the city of My Father, the New Jerusalem that I have prepared for those who have loved Me. This is your home forever and ever.

This story now ends, with the whole earth focused on the golden city, the new earth, and the reality of eternal life.

The End


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